Thursday, November 17, 2011


The Rathore (or Rathor or Rathur or Rathod or Rathour) (Hindi: राठौड़, IAST:Rāṭhauḍ or Rāṭhaur) is a Suryavanshi Rajput clan same caste as Lohana.[2] Their Kuldevi is Nagnechiya Mata and "Karani Mata". Rathores are originally from Kannauj in Uttar Pradesh. Rathores are historically considered the samurais of India. Members of this caste are well known for their unflinching readiness for martyrdom and bravery in war. They have shown the highest level of bravery among all of the Rajput Clans. Being a Rathore is a great matter of pride and people look up to a Rathore with great respect and as a leader of them. Veer Durgadas Rathore was one of the most famous Rathores in history.
Often referred to as Rannbanka or Rannbankura, the Rathores respect bravery and truth more than life. Much of the respect and admiration they receive is because of their unflinching readiness to sacrifice their own life in order to honor these values. Innumerable poems and couplets have been written and sung by the local bards in praise of the Rathores and their bravery. One of them thus goes-
Garud khagan, Lanka Gaddan, Meru pahada modd;
Udadhi saran, Chandan Vana jyun rajkula Rathore
(As there is the might GARUDA amongst birds, Lanka amongst the most formidable forts and Sumeru mountain amongst all mountains..
As an Ocean in front of small ponds, a Sandlewood forest amongst forests thus are Rathores amongst all ruling class.)
Their war cry is "Jay Mataji" ("Hail the mother goddess"), which is also a phrase used by male members of the Rajput community to greet each other.

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